9133 Poojas Performed

Available for pooja at home

Available for pooja at home
Pandit Praveen Tiwari
I am shastri designated pandit who have good knowledge of ved and Granth, I can perform all type of pooja.
I Speak - Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali, Manipuri

8 years of Experience


39 years

Ayodhya U.P

C122, Block C, Chander Nagar, Surya Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201011, India

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Puja list performed by Pandit Praveen Tiwari

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat.
Kumbh Vivah
Kumbh Vivah is performed for the females who are having Manglik dosh or having second marriage yoga in their h........
Puja duration:
2-3 Hours
Rs. 4100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat.
Ark Vivah
In Ark Vivah, the prospective Groom is symbolically married to an Ark/ Mandar tree. This Puja is done for a ha........
Puja duration:
2-3 Hours
Rs. 4100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat
Marriage 4 Hours
Blessings of all the Devas and Devis. Blessings of our forefathers and ancestors. Unionization of two souls as........
Puja duration:
3-4 Hours
Rs. 6100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1500.00

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat
Marriage 12 Hours
Blessings of all the Devas and Devis. Blessings of our forefathers and ancestors. Unionization of two souls as........
Puja duration:
12 Hours
Rs. 11000.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 0.00

Note: Sunderkand Path can be done on any Tuesday & Saturday
Musical Sunderkand Path
Performing this Path gives us mental and physical strength. Performing this path helps to attain prosperity an........
Puja duration:
3-4 Hours
Rs. 7100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1500.00

Note: Akhand Ramayan Path can be done on any day. No need of Muhurat
Musical Akhand Ramayan Path
Akhand Ramayan Path is a continuous recital of the entire Shri Ram Charit Manas without any break for 24 hours........
Puja duration:
24 Hours
Rs. 21000.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 2000.00

Note: Muhurat dates are 2,3,6,7,10,14,16,17,19,23,24,26,26,28,30 June & 5,9,13,18,23,28,31 July
Namkaran Sanskar
Increases the auspiciousness of the name selected for the kid. Brings smart luck, fortune and success in life.........
Puja duration:
1-2 Hours
Rs. 2100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: shubh tithi on 24th nov 2023
Yagnopavit Janeu Sanskar
The boy is protected from all kinds of evil spirits and negative energies. This puja increases the ability to ........
Puja duration:
4-5 Hours
Rs. 4100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Diwali, For more Muhurat call Poojat customer support (8377 044 055).
Maha Laxmi Pooja
This puja will bring good luck, good fortune and success. It brings stability to wealth. This puja helps in in........
Puja duration:
1 Hour
Rs. 2100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: All day are considered auspicious for Satyanarayan Katha. But Purnima and Ekadashi are Auspicious
Satyanarayan Pooja
Ekadashi and Purnima are considered auspicious for doing this puja. Satyanarayan Pooja brings peace and prospe........
Puja duration:
2:30 Hours
Rs. 3100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: It will perform in the same Nakshatra in which Nakshatra Baby born.
Gand mool Pooja
Ekadashi and Purnima are considered auspicious for doing this puja. Satyanarayan Pooja brings peace and prospe........
Puja duration:
4-5 Hours
Rs. 4100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat
Nav Graha Shanti Pooja
Navgraha Shanti Puja is basically the puja or worship of all the nine planets. Navgraha Shanti puja will bless........
Puja duration:
1-2 Hours
Rs. 3100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Muhurat for Annaprashan is 10,19,20,24,26,28 June & 12,15,22,25 July
Annaprashan is a ritual to celebrate the introduction of solid food in a child’s diet. The objective of this........
Puja duration:
30 Minutes
Rs. 2100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 500.00

Note: Auspicious date for Mahamritunjay Jaap is any Monday of the week
11000 Mahamritunjay Jaap
Mahamrityunjaya Jaap rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity, and contentment. We do........
Puja duration:
5 Hours Daily for 2 Days
Rs. 5100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1500.00

Note: Auspicious date for Mahamritunjay Jaap is any Monday of the week
31000 Mahamritunjay Jaap
Mahamrityunjaya Jaap rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity, and contentment. We do........
Puja duration:
5 Hours Daily for 5 Days
Rs. 11000.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 2000.00

Note: Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan is performed on 24th Ekadashi
Ekadashi Vrat Udyapan
Ekadashi Udyapan is a two-day program. On the first day i.e Ekadashi Lord Krishna is worshiped with fasting. O........
Puja duration:
3 Hours Daily for 2 Days
Rs. 11000.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 21000.00

Note: Please consult Poojat customer support (8377 044 055) for Muhurat
kaal sarp dosh pooja
Performing Kaal Sarp Shanti Puja helps devotees in receiving blessings of the 9 species of the snakes. The min........
Puja duration:
4-5 Hours
Rs. 5100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: On the same day when you born
Janamdin Pooja
Janamdin Puja or Birthday Puja is celebrated to mark the day of birth and get blessings from parents, Ishta de........
Puja duration:
1-2 Hours
Rs. 3100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Any Monday are considered auspicious for Rudrabhishek
Laghu Rudrabhishek
This pooja is to be performed by the person who is suffering from any diseases. In, Laghu Rudrabhishek, only o........
Puja duration:
1 Hour
Rs. 2100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Note: Any Monday are considered auspicious for Rudrabhishek
Namak Chamak Rudrabhishek
Namak Chamak Rudrabhishek is performed for lord shiva to get rid of the negative effects of all the nine plan........
Puja duration:
3 Hours
Rs. 5100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 2000.00

Note: Any Monday are considered auspicious for Rudrabhishek
Maha Rudrabhishek
Maha Rudrabhishek is performed to seek blessings of Lord Shiva and removes all the troubles. In Maharudrabhish........
Puja duration:
2 Hours
Rs. 3100.00
Puja Samagri(optional):
Rs. 1000.00

Sudeep Roy
9 month ago
Pandit ji is very nice and polite person. He performed Rudrabhishek Pooja in a very good manner and gave the extra time in Pooja. Thank you pandit ji

Jeetendra Chauhan
9 month ago
Good work

Diksha Sharma
9 month ago
Maine pandit ji se Navgraha Shanti Pooja karwaya tha mujhe Pooja se benefits mile hai. Happy from Pooja

Anil Kumar
9 month ago
Kaal Sarp Dosh Pooja was very good. Pandit ji performed Pooja very well.

Sakshi Gautam
9 month ago
Fully Satisfied

Ankur Jaiswal
9 month ago
Pandit ji was amazing at Pooja and he brought all pooja samagri.

Sanjeev Yadav
9 month ago
Maine pandit ji se Navgraha Shanti Pooja karwaya tha mujhe Pooja se benefits mile hai Dhanyawad pandit ji.

Rajeev Kumar
9 month ago

Jaimala kapoor
9 month ago

Raj Sharma
9 month ago
Pooja could be more better but overall ok

Kiran Bhardwaj
9 month ago
Very knowledgeable and polite pandit ji. He performed Shradh pooja with utmost care & detailing. Thanks pandit ji

Mihit Chaudhary
9 month ago
Pandit ji is well known about all types of karamkand Pooja.

Avni Rastogi
9 month ago
Pandit ji performed Anniversary Pooja very well. Thanks pandit ji

Harsh Patel
9 month ago
Not satisfied

Sudesh Mishra
9 month ago
Pandit ji is very nice person, good behaviour and he has done Ramayan Path with all proper rituals.

Harish Choudhary
9 month ago

Simi Thakur
9 month ago
Pandit ji performed Mahalaxmi Pooja in a very good way. Highly recommend.

Twinkle Sharma
9 month ago
Maine 2 May ko Satyanarayan Pooja karwaya kafi achhe se vidhi se Pooja kiya aur time bhi diya Pooja mai..

Hari Yadav
9 month ago
Budget Friendly Website

Anand Dey
9 month ago
Sapt chandi path was amazing. Pandit ji performed very well and mantra pronounciation was also good..